Friday, November 29, 2019

Article Review Burials, Houses, Women and Men in the European Neolithic by Ian Hodder Essay Example

Article Review: Burials, Houses, Women and Men in the European Neolithic by Ian Hodder Essay What does the author say is his/her goal in this article or chapter? What is the point he/she is going to make? At the outset, the Ian Hodder tries to make clear the two varying interpretations of neolithic megalith structures. The first view assumes that the megalith monuments of ancient Europe were products of emerging religious ideas at the time. The second view emphasizes the social and economic tensions of the time as the primary factor in the scale and location of many of these structures. Hodder then goes on to analyse the strengths and drawbacks of these different schools of thought by way of weighing up supportive evidence. For example, the author argues that there is little direct evidence to support the hypotheses forwarded by Renfrew and Chapman. Hence their ‘processual’ approach to understanding the meaning and importance of these megalith structures still remains unproven. Amid these competing claims and counterclaims regarding the monoliths, Ian Hodder seeks to adopt a more robust framework of analysis for interpreting the importance and functions of these ancient s tructures. We will write a custom essay sample on Article Review: Burials, Houses, Women and Men in the European Neolithic by Ian Hodder specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Article Review: Burials, Houses, Women and Men in the European Neolithic by Ian Hodder specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Article Review: Burials, Houses, Women and Men in the European Neolithic by Ian Hodder specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer What archaeological or anthropological examples does the author use to demonstrate the theoretical point he/she is trying to make? Ian Hodder identifies the different forms of tombs and houses by the differences apparent in their architectural styles and construction techniques. The long houses and long burial mounds are given special attention, for these structures are spread across continental Europe, spanning modern day Germany, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Neatherlands and beyond. Based on the shape, size, location, orientation and the likely human population at the time of their construction, the author arrives at the most likely historical and anthropological significance of these structures. While long houses, long burial mounds and tombs are found all across Europe, no two structures are identical. In fact, the uniqueness associated with each of these archaological sites are what give their broader indication. The other task the author carries out is to ascertain the social and interpersonal implication of these structures. Determining the relation of long houses and tombs with respect to their surrounding environment is much easier when compared to finding the social interactions within these ancient spaces of living. This is so because the monoliths have withstood the passage of time while the smaller sized household utilities such as pottery, objects that served as furniture and food leftovers have largely been destroyed by the elements. As a result it is very difficult to estimate the number of people who took shelter in these houses, their relation to one another and what other function did these houses serve? Nevertheless, the author tries to deduce aspects of domestic and social life in the European Neolithic from the available pottery fragments and other small artefacts. The other area of sociology that the author attempts to decipher is the relations between men and women. Questions pertaining to the social hierarchy in the European Neolithic is also considered. And finally, the reasons for the differences between the architectural styles of sites in Western and Central Europe is deliberated. How does this article/chapter build on previous work? Overall, the article is eruditely written by giving due consideration of various theoretical interpretations given by other scholars. The article satisfactorily places the megalith structues in their broader social contexts. But more importantly, rather than disregarding existing interpretations, the author builds on them and attempts to bring about a synthesis. It is equally commendable that Ian Hodder accepts the limitations of his own analysis and that there is much more work to be done by future generation of archaeologists and sociologists, before one could arrive at a conclusive picture. Is this article/chapter persuasive? That is, do you agree with the author, were you unconvinced at first and agreed by the end, do you find the article unconvincing or do you downright disagree with the author’s point? Nevertheless, the explanations and arguments made by Ian Hodder do come across as logically sound. What makes the author’s point of view persuasive is that fact that he gives proper rationale for discarding a previous scholarly interpretation. This way, the article takes an air of interactive dialogue, as opposed being a dogmatic polemic. As I completed reading through the article, I got the feeling that its initial promise was well substantiated throughout. In sum, the article in question is a fine piece of scholarship, written in an objective fashion. References: Article: Burials, Houses, Women and Men in the European Neolithic. Author: Ian Hodder Book: Theory and Practice in Archaeology 1992. What does the author say is his/her goal in this article or chapter? What is the point he/she is going to make? At the outset, the Ian Hodder tries to make clear the two varying interpretations of neolithic megalith structures. The first view assumes that the megalith monuments of ancient Europe were products of emerging religious ideas at the time. The second view emphasizes the social and economic tensions of the time as the primary factor in the scale and location of many of these structures. Hodder then goes on to analyse the strengths and drawbacks of these different schools of thought by way of weighing up supportive evidence. For example, the author argues that there is little direct evidence to support the hypotheses forwarded by Renfrew and Chapman. Hence their ‘processual’ approach to understanding the meaning and importance of these megalith structures still remains unproven. Amid these competing claims and counterclaims regarding the .

Monday, November 25, 2019

Movie Before Sunset

Movie Before Sunset Urban planning is defined as the process of controlling the utilization of design and land of an urban development, with the aim of ensuring that communities and settlements in the urban areas are orderly developed. Urban planning is concerned with analysis and research, urban design, policy recommendations, strategic thinking, management and implementation of recommended policies. Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Movie Before Sunset specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The modern urban planning methods started to be used during mid-19th century, as a solution to the disorder experienced in the industrial cities. In addition, urban planning includes urban renewal, under which urban planning methods are adopted to an existing city that has been undergoing a fast decline. Paris is one of the cities that underwent the adoption of urban planning methods under the Haussman plan that was used to give modern day Paris its pres ent structure. Though Before Sunset is a romantic movie set in Paris in 2004, it can be used to analyze such aspects of urban planning as neighborhood gathering places, importance of open spaces for a big city, mixed use concept as well as urban density and elements for physical design. Neighborhood gathering places are places where people from the same neighborhood meet to connect and socialize. Places like tea or coffee shops, parks, town squares, outdoor spaces, bars, restaurants or public access buildings form major neighborhood gathering places. The fact that urban planning ensures orderly development of communities and settlements makes neighborhood gathering places very essential. This is because they are evidences of an orderly developed settlement, as they provide the people of one neighborhood with the chance to connect and socialize. Such places are represented in the movie by the cafà © and garden that Jesse and Celine visit during their time together. The sequence o f the movie might not have capitalized on the people in the cafà ©, as this sequence focused more on Jesse and Celine, but all the people in the cafà © were involved in a series of conversations and most of them seemed to know each other. This clearly happens between people from the same neighborhood and if more investigations were made on the crowd in the cafà ©, evidence would have been collected to show that most were from the same neighborhood. Advertising Looking for essay on art and design? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In many cases, people strolling in a garden come from the neighborhood in which the garden is situated. For this reason, the garden through which Jesse and Celine passed can be identified as a neighborhood gathering place. Proper urban planning puts open places into consideration when designing a big city. Such open spaces include parks and rivers, which are important because they improve t he overall urban life quality, strengthen the community, form an urban oasis, enhance recreation and health, promote relaxation and reduce stress, enhance property values, ensure ecological conservation and promotes creativity. In Before Sunset, the open spaces are represented by the garden and The Seine that forms the major places that Jesse and Celine visited during the short period they spent together in Paris. Many properties and companies are located along the Seine. This is because the properties and companies located along the open spaces are know to be of a higher value as compared to their counterparts that are situate in other areas. Recreational and commercial boats are used in negotiating the river, which increases the value of the properties along it. Essentially, the recreation boats are utilized by most people to promote relaxation and relieve stress as well as enhance health and recreation. Many creative artistic expressions can be found in the garden that Jesse a nd Celine passed through and hence it is used for promoting creativity. In addition it is used for ecological conservation. Mixed-use development forms a fundamental aspect of urban planning that ensures the utilization of a set of buildings, neighborhood or building for many uses. In many Paris boulevards, commercial activities, jobs and housing are located in close proximity, with the aim of increasing the transportation options. Additionally, such developments increase property values as they are located in urban areas or new town centers. Le Corbusier is a modern architect who was an advocate of the Syndicalist Movement that proposed the mixed-use developments of such areas in Paris as Ville Contemporaine, Ville Radieuse and Plan Voison. Some scenes of Before Sunset are shot in street that have the same plans as those proposed for Ville Contemporaine, Ville Radieuse and Plan Voison by Le Corbusier. Though these scenes capitalize on the conversation between Celine and Jesse, the major characteristics of Mixed-use developments can be witnessed in such streets. Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Movie Before Sunset specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Some of these streets have a combination of commercial, office, industrial, residential as well as other land uses. Additionally some of the streets seen by Celine and Jesses as they negotiate the Seine in a recreational boat have the same characteristic of the Mixed-use developments. These therefore form a major aspect of urban planning in the movie. Urban density as utilized in urban planning and design refers to the number of people living in a give urban area. This term is used to help people understand how cities work. In many cases, urban density is measured using Floor area ratio, Residential density, population density, employment density, gross density, net density, and weighted density. In many cases, urban density is utilized as a major e lement of the physical design of a city. The main difference between Paris and Los Angeles is their physical design that is dependent on their urban density. The urban density of Paris is less as compared to that of New York. This is the reason why New York is characterized by greater road congestions, higher air pollution and more expensive real estate as compared to Paris. As Celine and Jesse walk in the street, their conversation spans through many subjects that span over the major differences between New York and Paris. Such conversations make the main basis for differentiating between the urban density of Paris and New York. Essentially, this conversation and the evidence collected as they walk through the streets ascertain the reason why the urban planning and design of Paris is as it is. This is because it is dependent on urban density. Before Sunset is a movie that has been reviewed from different aspects, but no reviews have never been made based on urban planning. In thi s case, urban planning forms the basis of this review and it is defined as the process of controlling the utilization of design and land of an urban development with the aim of ensuring that communities and settlements in the urban areas are orderly developed. Neighborhood gathering places, importance of open spaces for a big city, mixed use concept as well as urban density and elements for physical design, are the main aspects utilized to analyze urban planning in the movie. The cafà © and garden that Jesse and Celine visit form the neighborhood gathering places in the movie. The importance of spaces for a big city is brought out by the Seine and garden visited by Celine and Jesse. Advertising Looking for essay on art and design? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The streets that Celine and Jesse traverse bring out the Mixed-use concept in the movie and the conversations between Celine and Jesse bring out the aspect of Urban Density and elements of physical design. In conclusion, though Before Sunset is a romantic movie set in Paris in 2004, it can be used to analyze such aspects of urban planning as neighborhood gathering places, importance of open spaces for a big city, mixed use concept as well as urban density and elements for physical design.

Friday, November 22, 2019

What Industrial Relations Is Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 1

What Industrial Relations Is - Article Example This essay will discuss the role of industrial relations in the fast-changing business world, modern work environment. Industrial relations are supposed to bring harmony between the two relevant parties i.e. employees and employers. In simple terms industrial relationships can be called multidisciplinary field that refers to the employment relationship. Sometimes it is also named employment relationship because of the negligible importance of non industrial employment relationship. But to consider it just as labor relations is an oversimplification because it has much more to it. There are a number of researchers who assume that Industrial relations study has become obsolete and proposed closure of UK’s most study centers on the subject as Darlington1. They believe that academic-industrial relations are obsolete and are no more required. It has been replaced and dealt better in newer subjects such as HRM, Human resource management and OB organizational behavior. These subjects deal with the human factor while industrial relations study focuses on the collective approach. Collective institutions and processes (trade unions, strike and collective bargaining. Indeterminacy in the sense, that unlike other contracts it does not involve physical exchange of goods and services for money. But the contract is made on the basis of the capacity to perform and produce the desirable and the potential to purchase those goods services. In the labor contract a worker or employee only sells his ability to work which is intangible which can only be materialized when the actual work is done and the worker is involved in the production process.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

How is Indian Art and Southeast Asian Art are Connected Research Paper

How is Indian Art and Southeast Asian Art are Connected - Research Paper Example From the discussion it is clear that  the society again involved in making contributions towards art, literature, culture and religion. All along with the development of the society, art and architecture played an equally important role. They were also influenced by the religions practiced by the society in those periods like Buddhism, Hinduism, Jainism and Indo-Islamism.   Indian art is not to be studied from the time-based evolution perspective but rather from the region and period of its evolution perspective.  This study highlights that Indian art has continuously evolved through time and is still evolving. It begun with rock painting, moving onto rock cut caves and temple architecture and then paintings and sculptures. Alongside these forms, India also showed progress in the tribal form of art as there were various cultural and social groups in India. However, it is worth mentioning that almost all art forms were inspired by the innumerous Gods and Goddesses that people be lieved in, who were transformed into contemporary forms and familiar images. Indian society has been very secular ever since ancient times and has encouraged different practices all along. This rich philosophy, both spiritual and rational, made its impact on Indian art and architecture. Temples and stupas were seen to incorporate symbolic languages based on important philosophical concepts. These included the Chakra or wheel of time, Padma or lotus, the symbol of creation, Swastika representing aspects of creation and motion, Mriga or deer the symbol of erotic desire and beauty and many such symbols.

Monday, November 18, 2019

How does the distributional role of the state (in income Essay

How does the distributional role of the state (in income redistribution and the alleviation of poverty) conflict with the objective of economic efficiency - Essay Example The market system does not guarantee that everyone will have the same opportunity to accumulate wealth and once an inequality in the distribution of wealth arises it tends to be self perpetuating because wealth can be inherited. (SJ Grant 2000). It is a general characteristic of developing countries that income is unevenly distributed. Partly, because the income generating assets especially land are owned by the few. As a result we can see great extremes of both the rich and the poor. In 1998 for example the World Bank figures show that in Peru the poorest 20% of the population had only 4.4percent of total household income, while the richest 20% had 51.3% of total household income. These great extremes of the rich and the poor mean that in developing countries deprivation is very common. The distribution of income can be examined in two main ways .One is by examining the distribution of income between the factors of production. In this case the wages account for the largest percentage but the share of income has fallen over the years. Another way of examining the distribution of income is to examine how disposable income is distributed. Disposable income mainly consists of incomes that are derived from factor services together with various forms of cash benefits, i.e. social security payments etc . Minus direct taxes i.e. income taxes and national insurance contributions. Two very vital elements in the income of households of distribution are the investment income and the income derived from self employment. The unequal distribution of wealth is a major cause of the inequality in the distribution of income. ‘Gross Inequalities in the distributions of income and wealth lead to feelings of ‘unfairness’ because , quite apart from creating inequalities in living standards , they lead to inequalities of opportunities in living standards ,they lead to inequalities of opportunity. The wealthy can buy

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Agile methodology

Agile methodology Agile methodology is an approach to project management, typically used in software development. It refers to a group of software development methodologies based on iterative development. Requirements and solutions evolve through cooperation between self-organizing cross-functional teams, without concern for any hierarchy or team member roles. It promotes teamwork, collaboration, and process adaptability throughout the project life-cycle with increased face-to-face communication and reduced amount of written documentation. Agile methods break tasks into small increments with no direct long term planning. Every aspect of development is continually revisited throughout the lifecycle of project by way of iterations (also called sprints). Iterations are short time frames (timeboxes) that normally last 1-4 weeks. This inspect-and-adapt approach significantly reduces both development costs and time to market. Each iteration involves working through a complete software development cycle characterized by planning, requirements analysis, design, coding, unit testing, and acceptance testing. This helps minimize overall risk, and quicker project adaptability. While iteration may not have enough functionality necessary for a market release, aim is to be ready with a release (with minimal bugs) at the end of each iteration. Typically, the team size is small (5-9 people) to enable easier communication and collaboration. Multiple teams may be required for larger developmental efforts which may also require a coordination of priorities across teams. Agile methods emphasize more face-to-face communication than written documents when the team is in the same location. However, when a team works at different locations, daily contact is maintained through videoconferencing, e-mail, etc. The progress made in terms of the work done today, work scheduled for tomorrow and the possible roadblocks are discussed among the team members in brief sessions at the end of the each working day. Besides, agile developmental efforts are supervised by a customer representative to ensure alignment between customer needs and company goals. Software Development was initially based on coding and fixing. That worked well for smaller software, but as the size and complexities of software grew a need for a proper process was felt because the debugging and testing of such software became extremely difficult. This gave birth to the Engineering Methodologies. The methodologies became highly successful since it structured the software development process. One of the most popular models that emerged was the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) that developed information systems in a very methodical manner. Waterfall method is one of the most popular examples of Engineering or the SDLC methodology. A paper published by Winston Royce in 1970 introduced it as an idea. It was derived from the hardware manufacture and construction strategies that were in practice during the 1970s. The relationship of each stage to the others can be roughly described as a waterfall, where the outputs from a specific stage serve as the initial inputs for the following stage. During each stage, additional information is gathered or developed, combined with the inputs, and used to produce the stage deliverables. It is important to note that the additional information is restricted in scope; new ideas that would take the project in directions not anticipated by the initial set of high-level requirements are not incorporated into the project. Rather, ideas for new capabilities or features that are out-of-scope are preserved for later consideration. Agile Methodology: Engineering methodologies required a lot of documentation thereby causing the pace of development to slow down considerably. Agile Methodologies evolved in the 1990s to significantly eliminate this bureaucratic nature of engineering methodology. It was part of developers reaction against heavyweight methods, who desired to drift away from traditional structured, bureaucratic approaches to software development and move towards more flexible development styles. They were called the Agile or Light Weight methods and were defined in 1974 by Edmonds in a research paper. Some of the most popular agile methods that subsequently evolved were Scrum in 1995, Extreme Programming in 1996, Adaptive Software Development, Dynamic Systems Development Method and Feature Driven Development. In 2001, a team of 17 pioneers in agile software development coined the terms Agile Software development and agile methods. An Agile Manifesto was declared that was regarded as a set of canonical rules for agile software development methods and accompanying principles. Similarly, some of these people formed The Agile Alliance, a non-profit organization that promotes agile development. Extreme Programming: One of the several popular agile processes which stresses on customer satisfaction is Extreme programming. It improves a software project by focusing on communication, feedback, simplicity, courage and respect. Empowerment of the developers ensures speedier responses to changing customer requirements. Teamwork and collaboration is an integral part of extreme programming that improves the productivity and efficiency of the problem solving approach. Comparing Agile With Waterfall Model; Agile methodology can be compared and contrasted with traditional Waterfall model under the following heads. Conceptual Difference: Sequential Vs Iterative: Waterfall method is a sequential process of software development. Similar to a waterfall, the development team in such a model proceeds to the next stage of development once the first step is entirely accomplished. The waterfall model phases of software development are: requirement specification, conception, analysis, design, coding, testing debugging, installation and finally maintenance. A good amount of time is spent in each stage of development, till all requirements are met. Compared to this set-in-stone approach of waterfall models, the agile models focus on adaptability and agility during development. As an alternative to one rigid development schedule, agile models involve multiple iterative development schedules. Each iteration goes through the entire steps of design, coding and testing. A closely-knit, cross functional and self-organizing team structure exists. Documentation: Substantial Vs Minimal: While emphasis is placed on documentation at every stage of software development in a waterfall model, agile methodology emphasizes increased face-to-face communication and reduced documentation. Suitability: Predictive Vs Adaptive: While waterfall model is suitable for development of stable programs, agile methodology is best suited for web based applications because of its iterative nature that helps in incorporating correcting the different bugs that arise over time. Nature: Process oriented Vs People oriented: Waterfall Methodology is Process-oriented as it focuses on pre-planning of processes in great detail and subsequently coming up with a defined overall process to be used by whosoever uses it. Agile Methodologies on the other hand are People-oriented as they believe process definition is not an independent thing and the development of software relies heavily on the skills of the development team rather than on defined processes. Agile Methodologies use processes only to support the development team in doing their work more effectively and efficiently. Process never takes a lead in agile methodologies. Efficiency: Low Vs High: Efficiency is determined by the quality of software product, the lead development time and the number of bugs. Due to the adaptability of agile methods and the rigid development cycle of waterfall model, agile methods can incorporate changes and release products in lesser time.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Chlamydia :: essays research papers

Chlamydia Chlamydia is the most common sexually transmitted infection in the United States. It strikes about 4 million people a year in the U.S.. 100,000 women become infertile each year from a pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), which plugs up or scars the filopian tubes, so the egg can’t reach the uterus. 45% of sexually active teenagers are exposed to the disease at least once. Clamydia is caused by a bacterium, named chlamydia trachomatis. The pathogen enters the body through sexual activity, or when some comes in contact with the infected persons bodily fluids, such as blood, semen, or vaginal fluid. Chlamydia is often unnoticed because the symptoms are often inconspicuous or not present at all. When symptoms do arise, in men, it is usually a clear or white discharge from the penis or a swelling of the testicles, which can lead to infertility if left untreated. 75% of women with the disease show no symptoms. In those that do, it is usually a yellow discharge from the urethra, painful urination, or painful sex. Â ½ of all cases of pelvic inflammatory disease, which leads to an ectopic pregnancy in pregnant women, is caused by chlamydia. Ectopic pregnancy is the leading cause of death of pregnant teens in the inner city and poor neighborhoods. Chlamydia also causes conjunctitis. This is a swelling of the eyes which can lead to blindness. The bacteria also can lead to pneumonia. Although it is the most easily treated STI, most people in danger won’t get checked until complications show, and that is why the disease is spread so much. It takes about three weeks for most people to see symptoms. In that time, they have sexual contact with others and not know they are spreading it. This process goes on and on and some day it could turn into an epidemic. This is why it is called the "silent epidemic". Chlamydia s simple to cure. Physicians prescribe a one day course of an antibiotic, azithromycin, and it’s gone.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Organizational Behavior Concepts Essay

Organization behavior concepts are the study and identification of management activities and strategies that provide employee effectiveness through understanding of the complex nature of individual, group and organization process. Organization behaviors concept draws from variety of disciplines including psychology and sociology to explain the behaviors of people in the company. Therefore concepts are methods or formulas followed to govern the individual or group productivity of the company and the effectiveness of leadership in an organization. Since more companies are looking at how to automate and improve their services, they are creating self-services opportunities for employees and streamlining application based process so as managers can focus on key issues while performing their task. This has brought about a great success to software companies for the rise in demand of their products and services. IBM being a Worlds premier single source provider for multi-vender IT solutions has a great success that encouraged more planned concept to enhance the corporation meet its target and consumers need. Human resource practices Human resource management has become one of the most important aspects of running a company. It has been realized that having a competent and a motivated workforce can help a company create a competitive advantage which other companies may find hard to replicate in the market. Therefore there is need for the company to take bold step in order to address issue of hiring and retaining a competent work force. It will begin by changing the style of leadership from the authoritative rule in order to give the workers more freedom to make their own decision as pertains to the operation of the organization. But them most important thing is for the organization to come up with a human resource plan that will be integrated in the overall growth strategy. A strategic human resource plan will define issue on hiring, retaining, training and development of the workforce in order to maintain a competitive workforce. According to the famous McGregor’s theory x and y, in x mangers assume workers are lazy and irresponsible and require constant supervision and external motivation to achieve organizational goals. The theory y managers assume workers want to work and can direct and control themselves. In advocating for theory y, managers who allow opportunities for individual challenge and initiative and who encourage participation would achieve superior performance. (Glyn 1999) Through the years, IBM has consistently practiced and emphasized the development of human relation to achieve individual goals. Through practice, The Company has managed to achieve notable achievements in attraction of new and retaining current customers. IBM has given a great consideration in strengthening relationship between the customers and the company which have brought about a great growth in sales both locally and internationally. IBM has a planned strategy to be followed by leaders and employees that avoids differences in interpretation of issues and ideas that may favor the relationship between them. The set rules govern all issues addressing any human relation in the company therefore saving money and time. The IBM has well organized bureaucratic strategies which have eliminated variability in result. When new employees are employed, they come in with different skills, experiences and goals, the rules themselves are standardized so that the personnel changes do not disrupt the whole company’s human resource management. When each individual employs personal skills, ideas and goals they may not rhyme and this may cause difference in management and definitely misunderstanding between individuals or group. Therefore this has been fully put in to consideration and has helped the company achieve in the competitive market. This have also helped the company position faster specialized skills eliminating many subjective judgments by managers where rules and regulations are established properly and have a set method to follow to avoid different individuals employing their rules hence causing conflict between the concerned parties. This has gone hand in hand with training of leaders and employees on the set rules to standardize their performance and reinforcing human resource department. IBM has currently been able to achieve the right segment in the market which has made it possible for the company to enter the main stream of the market. This was made possible close interaction between the company and customers through entering into contracts with local and international companies raising the need for close relationship and work together to fill the demand and high sales volume. Motivation Motivation is the force or impetus behind behavior and actions. This energizes behavior and directs behavior towards a goal. In IBM, managers are always expected to create a desire of working to employees by creating conducive environment and a favoring atmosphere for working. IBM has been advocating the use of reinforcement by rewarding. An attractive object or event is supplied as a consequence of a particular work done perfectly. According to behavior approach to motivation, managers have an understanding of employees motivation which begins with careful analysis of incentive and rewards that are present in the company. These incentives are like privileges and money. Its always managers responsibility in IBM to identify behaviors that need to be reinforced like outstanding performance, punctuality, neatness and completion of work. The managers are always alert to notice the desired behavior occur. Occurrence is always accompanied by reinforcement. An employee who shows an improved performance is rewarded. The principle is that reinforcement strengthens behavior and gives that exact behavior a chance to occur again. In IBM, cognitive approach state that behavior is determiner by over thinking and not reward or punishment, it is initiated and regulated by mental process and not external events. Managers’ role in motivation is to help workers develop on curiosity and help them develop methods for searching for information. In IBM, workers are trained to be intrinsically motivated. The social working approach is an integration of cognitive and behavior aspect. This theory sees motivation as a product of two main forces, individual expectations of success in a task and vicarious experience. Individual expectation of success is determined by personal effectiveness, personal effectiveness is also called self efficiency and refers to personal confidence. The manager should empower employees to become competent in performing a task. If the empl9oyee knows that he will succeed in doing a task, then his motivation will be high. Vicarious experience constitutes the observation of other workers and compares performance. If the worker discovers that his performance is poor, he may lose his sense of competence. In this respect the manager should the employee to keep up with level of performance of other employees so that motivation is highlighted. Though intrinsic motivation comes from the worker, is referred to as ego involvement. This results from employees identification with desired goal. The employee is fully involved in learning a task. Managers task is to empower the employee to identify with that work if the need for confidence is made. Competence means ability to perform) Ability to master every a task also mean competitiveness. In a task every employee has interest and desire to perform confidently in a company’s task. Managers’ role is to discover how to empower the employee to achieve. In IBM corporation managers assist the employee by providing them with opportunity to become competent and help them to avoid failure. They achieve this by giving them a task that they are intellectually capable of achieving. When an employee is successful in performing a task, his self concept is enhanced and this gives great respect to the company. In IBM Corporation, motivation is displayed in personal goals and that very many motives are personalized depending on what the company wants to achieve. These personalized goals determine individual level of aspiration. Due to continued success, there is always an aspiration to modify and develop company’s strategies that would enhance better performance for both managers and employees. Organizational structure The IBM Corporation has a well planned leadership strategy which is an important factor that determines the viability of an organization operation. Good leadership is responsible for growth of the organization while unplanned leadership is responsible for drift in an organization. Planning mode of leadership, there should be a procedure to follow and that will help in determining the weaker points in the leadership therefore avoiding drift. Management is the most important factor that determines the viability of any organization operation. Good management is responsible for growth of the organization while bad managements can be held responsible for collapse of organizations. The IBM Corporation is currently being held at ransom by the kind of leadership structure. There are many kinds of leadership that are used in running organizations depending on the kind of the organization. In IBM the authoritative kind of leadership in the organization has been responsible for some of the problems like making of decision for the organization. In this regard it is clear that there is a problem in making decision since they are made from the top and the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) has to be consulted before any decision is made despite the fact that there are other people in the organization who are more experienced in this work. Authoritative leadership holds the organization to the management and it discourages innovation since the CEO has to be consulted on all matters regarding the operation of the organization. The CEO acts to provide guidance for the organization and one of the duties of CEO are to delegate duties of the office. In this regard, the CEO has to give some of the authority to other managers in the organization in order to decentralize decision making process. Rise in the interest in developing people through out the organization could be attributed to a number of factors. In IBM, employees are taking broader ranges of responsibility, managers, in particular are faced with a completely new environment. They are responsible for more people often worked in strategy-oriented companies and therefore, the skills and competencies that previously served them well no longer work. They have to make fundamental changes and come up with more planned productive strategies to avoid drift. (Jackson 2005) Advertisement is another most important component that characterizes the operation of IBM Corporation in the market since it raises the awareness of the consumers about the availability of the products in the market. Therefore a well planned advertisement is an important component that helps a company to penetrate the market especially when introducing a new product. Lack of a planned advertisement may have limited growth of the company which in return may cause losses in the company. Keeping in mind that the company is operating in a very competitive market, there is a need to plan strategies to follow to avoid any sort of dissatisfaction to the customers which may lead to a drift. IBM Corporation market has a wide scope which comprises of many factors. These factors are essential for the maintenances of businesses competitiveness of the services and goods being delivered by the company in the market, either in goods or services, the IBM marketing team has the privileges of collecting relevant data from its market target which quite fundamental is its goods and service improvements that enable the maintenances of high competitiveness in the international markets. (Michael 1993) When introducing a new technology in the organization, IBM Corporation has a proper planning that enables the employees adapt and learn much quicker because lack of proper planning can cause a drift that may be hard to recover. The corporation has set strategies to be followed and adequate training to lessen the risk of taking more time omitting other duties. The introduction of new technology in a company has caused a drift in many companies for most managers command employees on making use of technology that they are not used to therefore causing alternation of formally followed rules. Example, if the company has been using paper work may in accounting department, introduction of computers may alter the set road map because of training and mental ideas that one is supposed to do more than before therefore causing a drift. To avoid this, the IBM Corporation has set a long term planning and informs the employees in advance so as they may be prepared physically, mentally and psychologically to avoid more excitement on introduction of the new technology. Conclusion If the company fails to have a proper planning, is likely to be faced by many challenges. One of the biggest challenges the company is likely to face in the structure of the business in the sense that will be difficult to change or recover. The managers may work hard but the competitors may continue enjoying great profits due to lack of proper management strategy. Management should be well planed and strictly followed to know the weaker parts of management. A well addressed strategy in all areas of leadership will enhance a greater interest in the company, workers participation and productivity. In IBM, the relationship between managers, employees and consumers is valued and put in to great consideration, this is encouraged because it gives a good reputation to the company hence increasing its business achievements world wide.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Free sample - The iPhone 5. translation missing

The iPhone 5. The iPhone 5The following definition is aimed at giving simple information to all the people who are interested in this new piece of technology-the iPhone 5. The targeted audience is composed of people from diverse professional, educational, and cultural backgrounds. This document will be given to all the marketers, cell phone dealers, and representative of call service companies who will attend the upcoming Accessible Cell Phone Seminar. All those who will attend will receive both soft and hard copies of this document for their clients’ reference. The aim of this document is to disseminate information about the iPhone 5, its history, usability, functions, and distinguish the iphone from other phones. This document has used easy language and a simple format for better understanding for all those who intend to buy the gadget. A well-illustrated photograph will show the audience how the phone looks like and its functions. The meanings of specific words like IOS will be clarified by parenthetical definitions. The audience would have a lot of interest in the phone because it is the latest and greatest technological innovation ever. The information is presented in a general manner because they may not have had prior exposure to the gadget. What is an iPhone 5? This Smartphone has both multimedia devices and internet. It was devised and is currently being marketed by the American Multinational Corporation, Apple Inc. This company is the maker of personal computers like the Macintosh, ipad, computer software, and consumer electronics. This phone is available in either a black or a white colour. It uses GSM OR Edge technology. It has a screen that is sensitive to single or multiple touches popularly known as touch screen. This screen is made up of glass that is resistant to scratch and measures 9 cm. Its back is metallic for protective purposes, and it doubles as an antenna. The iphone has five buttons, two for volume regulation, and the rest control phone calls. Both speaker and microphone are located at the base of the phone. It has inbuilt Bluetooth technology that aids the functioning of wireless headphones and earpieces. The phone has an internally located rechargeable battery. Additionally, the iphone has a charger; alternatively, it ca n be charged by a computer’s USB cable. Other accessories that the iphone possesses are a camera, a storage SIM card, and memory card that can store up to 16 to 32 GB of data. A photo illustrating the Touch Screen of the iPhone History of the Iphone Apple Inc’s Chief Executive Officer, Steve Jobs, developed the iphone. Apple engineers were directed by Jobs to investigate touch screens. Apple Inc developed the first iphone with a touch screen, in partnership with ATT Mobility. The first iphone was launched in public on January 9, 2007 at Macworld. In 2008, Apple released the iphone 3GS and this were made available in more than eighty countries with more than 100 user languages. The latest release is the iPhone 5. Usability of the iphone Iphone possesses a single key, the home key. Thus, almost all interactions between the user and the phone are conducted through the screen. However, the iphone screen does not sustain the use of a stylus. Instead, the user uses a finger or two to conduct all interactions with the iphone. Finger taps activate the majority of the controls with the UI (User Interface). However, there are situations that call for more advanced features. Swipes and the associated gestures such as flicking and dragging are used for scrolling through various lists on the iphone. For instance, if the iphone use drags a finger on any scrollable list on the phone, it results to the list following the finger automatically. Additionally, if the iphone user flicks a list item up and down, the screen scrolls in the direction of the finger under its own command. The screen scrolls at a reducing speed and eventually stops on its own as if it is fighting against some form of friction. The user of the iphone is able to view such things as web pages and photos if they scroll controls in a similar way. The iphone has additional advanced features; the user can use his/ her finger to scroll over the screen of the iphone in any direction. The photo viewer also utilizes flick type finger gestures to scroll around various photos. However, there are few parts of the iphone that entail the user sliding on an on-screen control with a finger. The most common activities that are operated in this way include unlocking the iphone and switching off. The user moves the on-screen slider from the left of the screen to the right along the on-screen track with a finger. This process completes the task. This feature was developed to avoid the iphone from undertaking these activities accidentally. Usability of the iphone The iphone has grown fast in popularity as more people are looking for phones with multiple functions. The iphone offers a combination of features such as a digital camera, mobile phone, a digital music player, and GPRS functionality. The iphone is capable of performing five major functions: 1. a torch feature, which allows the user to navigate through the dark or find lost items. 2. Geotagging, this special feature, allows users to locate photos that have been misplaced in the iphone. The tag provides the location of the photo. 3. Google street view, this feature allows the user to navigate through the neighborhood through a map that is located on the phone. 4. Slideshow, this feature allows an easy view of photos. 5. Voice command, this feature allows the user to undertake searches on Google. The feature allows the iphone to convert voice into text. What makes iphone unique? This phone has extremely powerful moisture sensors that are exposed to the environment. These sensors show if the phone has been affected by water. Sensors of ordinary phones are located within the phone. The user cannot replace the internally charged battery. This is its main shortcoming but Apple replaces any faulty battery without charging any fee. Its memory card can store large amounts of data contrary to the ordinary phones. This phone has two cameras unlike the ordinary phones that have one. The camera can distinctively pick out images in conditions with very low light. Risks associated with its usage Like any other phone, the iPhone 5 emits harmless radiation. However, there is no data showing that this radiation causes cancer. However, it one should avoid using the phone while driving or operating machinery because accidents are bound to occur. Parenthetical terms and their defined meanings SIM card- Subscriber Identity Module, this device identifies the subscriber in devices like phones and computers. USB- Universal Serial Bus, this feature of the iphone was designed for use in communicating with two devices like a mouse and the host controller or personal computer. GSM- Global System, this feature is used for Mobile Communication. IOS stands for iPhone operating system.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Free Essays on Guilede Age

Many people viewed businessmen of the nineteenth century as robber barons. They believed that these businessmen were so emerged into giant corporations and were so dedicated in striving for monopolistic power that their only pursuit was wealth and power in lieu of accomplishments. This entry counterbalances the idea of robber barons. John Chamberlain emphasizes the creative accomplishments of these business leaders. He explains the effects they had on the American public, while also realizing the â€Å"shameful aspects† of their actions. In the following essay, I will summarize Chamberlain’s views on Vanderbilt, Rockefeller and Carnegie, their achievements and their pursuit to deal with the American economy. The period after the Civil War resulted in a significant growth in the industrialization of the American economy. Many new faces started to emerge out into industrial enterprises. One of these new faces was Cornelius Vanderbilt. People believed that he was a man that used trickery to control properties that he wanted. When involved with something, Vanderbilt was a man who was determined to have physical and economical improvements for the company. He began his career from his love of steamboats, but as the steamboats era came to an end Vanderbilt became involved with railroads. With his profit made from steamboats and oversea affairs, he purchased shares of the Harlem Railroad. This would later help him gain stock control of Canada Southern, Lake Shore and the Michigan Central. These first steps lead him to much fame in the economical world. He relayed the Central’s tracks from New York to Chicago with new steel rails and stronger steel bridges. He produced a more efficient ty pe of locomotive and the traveling time was drastically shortened. Vanderbilt helped link the east and west worlds of America together. â€Å"Vanderbilt may have watered the Central’s stock. But as fast as he watered it he solidified it – and the worst ... Free Essays on Guilede Age Free Essays on Guilede Age Many people viewed businessmen of the nineteenth century as robber barons. They believed that these businessmen were so emerged into giant corporations and were so dedicated in striving for monopolistic power that their only pursuit was wealth and power in lieu of accomplishments. This entry counterbalances the idea of robber barons. John Chamberlain emphasizes the creative accomplishments of these business leaders. He explains the effects they had on the American public, while also realizing the â€Å"shameful aspects† of their actions. In the following essay, I will summarize Chamberlain’s views on Vanderbilt, Rockefeller and Carnegie, their achievements and their pursuit to deal with the American economy. The period after the Civil War resulted in a significant growth in the industrialization of the American economy. Many new faces started to emerge out into industrial enterprises. One of these new faces was Cornelius Vanderbilt. People believed that he was a man that used trickery to control properties that he wanted. When involved with something, Vanderbilt was a man who was determined to have physical and economical improvements for the company. He began his career from his love of steamboats, but as the steamboats era came to an end Vanderbilt became involved with railroads. With his profit made from steamboats and oversea affairs, he purchased shares of the Harlem Railroad. This would later help him gain stock control of Canada Southern, Lake Shore and the Michigan Central. These first steps lead him to much fame in the economical world. He relayed the Central’s tracks from New York to Chicago with new steel rails and stronger steel bridges. He produced a more efficient ty pe of locomotive and the traveling time was drastically shortened. Vanderbilt helped link the east and west worlds of America together. â€Å"Vanderbilt may have watered the Central’s stock. But as fast as he watered it he solidified it – and the worst ...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Unethical advertising Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Unethical advertising - Essay Example This essay 'Unethical advertising" outlines which types of advertising are considered unethical giving different examples. Using advertisements that provide false claims and makes the public believe in something that is not true is a mere example of unethical advertising. This usually happens with several products such as detergents, where the advertisement says that the clothes washed with the specific detergent will look as clean as new, but that never happens. This also happens in various weight loss plans advertisements, where it says that a person using the product will lose 50 pounds in two weeks, but this does not actually happen for all customers using the product and thus, experts have been considering this as unethical. This type of advertising should confront bans due to its unethical nature, as it does not provide what it claims to be advertising for. Such is one example of unethical advertising. Another common instance of unethical advertising is the advertisements prepared for products, such as cigarettes and drugs. This type of advertising is surely illegal, as well as unethical, as it promotes a product that is harmful for the human body. Children who might come across such an advertisement might find it fascinating that they can avail the product that supposedly helps them get over all their problems and worries, while they are unaware of the amount of damage such products can cause to their bodies. Advertisements designed in the political realm have often found to be unethical as they provide information that is not true. , done, in order to get the public to cast a vote for them by providing false information. For example, a person running for the post of a president for a country may claim to have donated a huge amount of money to flood victims etc; however, may not have done so actually. This might be done just in order to gain the public votes and therefore, this type of advertising is surely considered unethical. A very common type of unethical advertising, which is used, is advertisements that say promote â€Å"$1 products.† However, when one actually picks up a product and comes to pay for it, they come to know that very few products are of one dollar, the others have their own specific prices, and the customer is forced to buy the items, in order to avoid the embarrassment by the shopkeeper that they cannot afford the product (Wells, pp. 69-74). Another type of unethical advertising is that an advertisement can have a negative psychological impact on a person, and cause them to experien ce psychological problems in the end (MacRury, pp. 20-25). For example, using the image of a monster in a children’s cereal ad may frighten them and have a lasting impact on their minds. This type of

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Criminal Justice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 6

Criminal Justice - Essay Example Prior to the arrest, a magistrate who has no interest in the case has to have given permission for the warrant to be issued. This ensures that the arrest is supported on a legal foundation. The next step after the arrest is booking the suspect. In this process, the individual is fingerprinted, photographed, and expected to provide personal information. In cases where th charges include the abuse of alcoholic substances, the suspect can be allowed to enroll in a suitable diversionary program like that of alcohol rehabilitation (Spano, Freilich, & Bolland, 2008). In such cases, the suspect has to abide by the regulations of the program or continue to the following criminal justice system stage for the continuation of the process of booking. After booking, the suspected person will be given a definite date on which he or she I scheduled to appear before a judge in court. Usually, this will happen in a couple of hours after the arrest. During this process, the suspect is informed of his or her right to be released, prior to the trial date, on his or her individual recognizance. A suspect could also be released when he or she posts bail. It is up to the judge to determine the amount that will be requested in the bail. This decision is often based on the brutality of the crime as well as the suspect’s potential to escape. The judge also considers the criminal background of the suspect before deciding on the amount for bail. In cases where bail is posted, the suspect will be required to provide the court with his or her passport. In the next stage, there is an arraignment hearing in which a judge will determine if a crime was actually carried out and if the accused person could be responsible for it. If it is found that the accused could have committed the crime, there will be an indictment (Spano, Freilich, & Bolland, 2008). On his or her next arraignment in court, the suspect has to enter a no contest, guilty, or not guilty plea. In cases where